2/19/2013 5 Comments You Reflect the People Around YouRecently, I read a summarized study proving the depths and levels of communication of which we haven’t the vaguest awareness. Interestingly, these researchers collected sweat (yes, sweat) from people watching movies which evoked either fear or disgust.
When women smelled the sweat containing pheromones, their faces registered a reaction similar to the ones experienced by the person producing the sweat. How astounding is that? I’m sure this mechanism is hardwired into our instinctual biological makeup. Which means it can be tapped into without effort! If the fear and disgust of one person can be transferred to another via pheromones, then it stands to reason that calmness and joy can also be transferred. If this logic holds true, then we can greatly influence our world by developing a calm and joyful center. This study is evidence of the quote by Jim Rohn, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Part of excellent self care (a soap box I own) is ensuring that you spend your time with the highest quality people that you can. Who exemplifies the traits you want to build? What are you passing on to them? You owe it to yourself, others and the world to be the best you that you can be. If you want to read more about this study, click this link: http://tinyurl.com/bznoo3k
Allison Velez
Licensed Mental Health Counselor Looking for something?
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